Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Canberra Centenary Trip 2013

The year was 2013

like every person that goes to Canberra and stands outside 
Parliament House
they think
How can i make a funny video with 
Parliament House 
in the Background.

So i started with my 
Canberra 100 years on Video.

Followed up by my Audition to The Daily Show in America

Of course i had to make a Message to the Prime Minister +Julia Gillard 
Then the Video with the +Barack Obama  Doll of Course
Followed up with my video of  Marriage Equality
My Announcement to run for the NSW Senate Video
I think the people at +The White House  would enjoy this video.
My Video thanking the +U.S. Embassy Canberra 
However recently it was noted that 
ASIO Headquarters Blueprints where Stolen
So i have decided for 
National Security
Classify these Videos
Top Secret
And set them to
Private on
to be 
100 yeas after my death.
Or you know
one day when i get bored and choose to change the settings and share the video.
UPDATE: once $10,000
Is paid into this PayPal Account
I will Declassify these Videos for the General Public to See.